Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wrapping up 2010...

As 2010 is coming to a close, I thought that I would reflect on the past pictures of course!! 

What a great year!  We enjoyed so many family moments together, a wonderful vacation, a new nephew, plenty of soccer games and field hockey practices, a band recital, sailing, we snuck in a little beach time and I shot a couple photo shoots this Fall!!  Geez...exhausts me thinking about it, but I sure as heck can't wait for 2011!!!

**To check out the photo collage closer, click on it and it will open larger in a new window.**


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Portrait Session with the "A" Family!

The last photo session of 2010 is complete and the edited photos are returned!  I had such fun shooting pictures with these guys!!  The kids were SO ENERGETIC and boy did I keep them moving!!  They were very patient with me as I tried all kinds of different shots...and I think we got some good ones!!  Thanks so much for taking an afternoon to come out.  I know how much preparation can go into taking family pictures!!  I hope you enjoy them!!


Silhouette poses....MUCH FUN!!!

Love the hair in the sunshine!!



Yep, he's taller....almost.

Goofing off & having fun!

Family Portrait


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Keeping Warm Thoughts In Mind!!

I thought I would post these for all of you that are wishing for those warm summer days as the chill sets in.  We took a family...and I mean FAMILY vacation this summer in the Outer Banks.  I had the opportunity to capture some Ball family moments on the beach as the sun was going down.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Portrait Session with the "H" Family!

I had an amazing time taking Fall pictures at Pemberton Park with the "H" family!  We could not have asked for more beautiful weather for the final weekend in October!  We went out there and had a great time being silly and just goofing off in the leaves.  Thanks guys for being so fun to work with. Check out a few preview pictures of your portrait session...

Fall Family Portrait

Playing in the Leaves!

Being Silly!

Great Father/Daughter Picture

So Adorable! 

Fun Family Portrait

 Back to School

Mommy & Me
Thanks again! 