Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wrapping up 2010...

As 2010 is coming to a close, I thought that I would reflect on the past pictures of course!! 

What a great year!  We enjoyed so many family moments together, a wonderful vacation, a new nephew, plenty of soccer games and field hockey practices, a band recital, sailing, we snuck in a little beach time and I shot a couple photo shoots this Fall!!  Geez...exhausts me thinking about it, but I sure as heck can't wait for 2011!!!

**To check out the photo collage closer, click on it and it will open larger in a new window.**


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Portrait Session with the "A" Family!

The last photo session of 2010 is complete and the edited photos are returned!  I had such fun shooting pictures with these guys!!  The kids were SO ENERGETIC and boy did I keep them moving!!  They were very patient with me as I tried all kinds of different shots...and I think we got some good ones!!  Thanks so much for taking an afternoon to come out.  I know how much preparation can go into taking family pictures!!  I hope you enjoy them!!


Silhouette poses....MUCH FUN!!!

Love the hair in the sunshine!!



Yep, he's taller....almost.

Goofing off & having fun!

Family Portrait
